Friday, August 1, 2014

Family Camp Sunday & Baptism

Just a reminder that there is NO service this Sunday at the Malmo Church building.  HOWEVER, we will be meeting together at Covenant Bay Bible Camp at 10:30am for Family Camp Sunday Service.

We will also be celebrating a baptism at camp!  Stef Kemerink will be baptized at camp at 2:00pm.  Please come down and join us, as we witness this exciting step of faith that Stef is declaring.

Schedule of Events for the day:

10:30am   Worship
12:00pm   Lunch (please call 780-586-3738 to let them know that you'll be there for lunch)
  2:00pm   Baptism of Stef at the lake

Here's a map of Covenant Bay Bible Camp.  If you would like more information, please go to the camp's website at

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